Achievements and Successes | The next phase

In the ten years since UCAN came into being we have had a tremendous response and support and we cannot thank you all enough. Some of our major successes has been our Robotically-Assisted Surgical System (RASS) fundraising campaign that saw Aberdeen become the first place in Scotland to offer robotic-assisted operations. To date over 300 operations have been carried out. Another major success has been the opening of the UCAN Care Centre that has seen almost 19,000 drop in visitors since opening in January 2008 .

As you can imagine we have amassed a great deal of experience, knowledge and life changing stories and we hope to share them all with you in our anniversary brochure which is coming soon.


The strategy for UCAN between now and 2021 is five-fold, namely:-

– Sharing Knowledge

– Increasing Patient Involvement

– Establishing Outcomes of Most Importance to Patients

– Establishing Aberdeen as a Centre of Excellence for Education and Training:

– Strengthening UCAN Super-Specialist Nurse Positions

We will have more information in the coming months including how you can help aid in our fundraising goals. In the meantime we would like to say a big thank you to you all for your continued support.