What is Urological cancer?

There are five urological cancers: Prostate | Bladder | Kidney | Testicular | Penile

  • Urological cancers can affect both men and women, although more common in men. They account for one in three of all cancers in men, and one in five of all cancers in men and women.
  • 50,000 urological cancers are diagnosed every year in the UK, and in any year, across the country, they cause 18,000 deaths
  • More than 5,000 people are referred every year to hospitals in the north-east of Scotland with a suspected urological cancer.
  • Prostate cancer is the commonest male cancer and 1 in 10 men will develop it during their lifetime.
  • In Grampian, around 800 men are referred every year with a suspected diagnosis of prostate cancer. Of these, 200 men have the diagnosis confirmed. Not all of these men will need treatment for their cancer as some of these tumours run a very slow growing course causing little harm to the patient.
  • Significant numbers of bladder cancer are related to smoking.
  • Testicular cancer remains the commonest cancer affecting young men in the 20 – 44 age group.

Spotting the symptoms

Symptoms can vary depending on the cancer. If you are in any way concerned please consult your GP or view our tips for urological health.

People think that cancer will mean that they have pain and that’s not the case with these cancers…their onset is over a period of time and often the symptoms are very subtle.