Thank you: Ali McQueen

Thank you to Ali McQueen who raised £2,110.88 with his Loch Ness Etape bike ride on the 24 April 2022.

Ali’s story

“18 months ago I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Luckily it was confined to the prostate and identified as a slow growing type and therefore increase the likelihood of a successful outcome. Just over a year ago, I decided that a laparoscopic Robotic Assisted Radical Prostatectomy was my preferred treatment and therefore had my prostate removed. The operation thankfully went well. However, I wasn’t allowed to cycle for 12 weeks (for obvious reasons) – so my recovery was to get out on walks – slowly building from a few hundred metres to several miles. Needless to say I have not made a full recovery and participate in all the sports and activities I was doing before the operation. I have been one of the lucky ones. Mainly because it was diagnosed early. The statistics say that one in eight of us men will get prostate cancer sometime in our life. It is the most common cancer in men, Many of us will unfortunately find out too late, as this is a cancer that can develop without us really knowing it is there. One of the main diagnostics (although this is not definitive) is to have a PSA (prostate specific antigen) blood test which if you have any concerns I would recommend discussing this with your GP.

“I decided to support UCAN by completing the Loch Ness Etape bike ride. This is a course around Loch Ness, starting and finishing in Inverness. It consisted of a distance of 106km and a total elevation of over 900m including a king of the mountain section climbing 380m over 9km with a number of 12% gradients.”

“Throughout my cancer treatment, UCAN have given me amazing support and are continuing to do so. I wanted to complete this cycle ride to give something back to help them continue with the fantastic work they do.”