Thank you: Brooke Fraser

A huge thank you to 8 year old Brooke Fraser who decided to cut her hair and at the same time raise money for UCAN.

She chose UCAN as they had supported her Granda and Grandma, Ian and Ruby recently. Not only did she raise an amazing £2,100 for UCAN but she donated 9 inches of her hair to The Little Princes Trust. Brooke and her family held a coffee morning and were joined by 35 members of family and friends who enjoyed some lovely refreshments before watching Brooke get her hair cut. Many thanks again to Brooke, mum Emma and Ian and Ruby for holding the coffee morning and to everyone who supported Brooke with her fundraising.

Pictured is Brooke with her long hair along with hairdresser Debbie and Granda Ian, the cutting process and handing over the cheque to UCAN’s Gayle Stephen.